Our Community | Kids Club
Weavers and Mt. Clinton Mennonite Churches are offering “Kids Club” to neighborhood children age 5 thru grade 5. (Children age 4 may come if accompanied by an adult). Kids Club will meet at Weavers Mennonite Church from 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm every Wednesday, except for cancellations described below. Kids Club will run in sessions. The Fall session will begin on September 22 and end following Nov. 10. A Spring session will be held February through April. Kids Club is open to all kids, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, etc. Parents should understand that Kids Club is a Christian ministry, and the Bible will be taught in a welcoming and respectful way.
Registration – At their first visit, parents will fill out a registration form for their child including name, address, contact info, and a consent and release form. Each evening at Kids Club children will register at the “check-in” table and receive a name tag. Costs – Kids Club is provided free of charge Cancellations – Kids Club will not meet with inclement evening weather. This cancellation will be announced via email or texts. Kids Club may also be cancelled for other reasons, and cancellations will be announced at least 1 hour before Kids Club begins. If in doubt, feel free to call the church office at 540-434-7758. To and From Kids Club – Children may be dropped off by car at Weavers Mennonite Church at the Shady Oak building to the left of the church. If needed, a church van driven by an approved adult and accompanied by another approved adult, both in Kids Club t-shirts, will pick up children in area developments and bring them to Club. A signed release must be completed prior to pick up. Safe Kids – We have several safety measures in place to provide a safe and secure environment for Kids Club, including that no one – not even parents – may volunteer for Kids Club without application, screening, and training. Parents are permitted to watch their kids participate in Kids Club, but they cannot help with Kid Club unless they are an approved volunteer. Sick Kids – For the health of all children and workers, parents are asked not to send sick children to Kids Club. Specifically, children with the following symptoms should NOT be picked up or dropped off for Kids Club events: ● Fever, diarrhea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours ● Green or yellow runny nose ● Eye or skin infections ● Other symptoms of communicable or infectious disease Children who are observed by our workers to be ill will be separated from other children and taken home, or the parent or guardian will be contacted to request that the child be picked up. Medications - Kids Club will not administer either prescription or non-prescription medications to the children under our care. Medications should be administered by a parent at home. Exceptions to the medications policy may be granted upon request of the parents for children with potentially life-threatening conditions (such as asthma or severe allergic reactions). Parents of such children should address their situation with Regina Brubaker to develop a written plan of action. Discipline – We will not spank, grab, hit or otherwise physically discipline Kids Club children. Snacks – We will have a snack during Kids Club. If your child has food allergies, or you want your child to observe dietary restrictions for religious or other purposes, please note that on your child’s registration. Field Trips – Kids Club may occasionally meet off-site for field trips or to play in other locations (park, etc.). Adequate information will be given prior to event. Privilege, Not Right – We work very hard to include all children who want to participate in Kids Club. However, if, for any reason, we cannot make appropriate accommodations for your child’s needs or those of his or her parents or family, we reserve the right to ask your child to stop attending Kids Club. Invitation to Church – Kids Club is hosted by Weavers Mennonite Church and is run by Mt. Clinton Mennonite Church too. Our Sunday services meet at 9:30 am Sunday mornings. You and your child are welcome to attend any time! |