Worship | Bulletin
Sunday, January 19, 2024 - 10:30AM
9:30AM Sunday School classes Prelude Jennifer Wright Welcome & Announcements Debbie Rhodes First Fruits Giving Scripture Reading Worship in Song c/o Tamara Shoemaker & Regina Harlow “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship” “Revelation Song” “Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts)” Message “God is Doing a New Thing”” Aaron Kauffman, Scripture - Isaiah 43:14-21 President, Virginia Mennonite Missions Songs of Response “In the Valley (Bless the Lord)” “Open the Eyes of My Heart” (live stream will end) Sharing and Prayer Sending Song “How Great Thou Art” Nursery is available during the Worship Service (Staffed today by: Diann Beach & Brenda Bechler) Our Service is live streamed and recorded. Upcoming Weavers Calendar
Announcements Thank you for your continued contributions. We have a basket at the back of the sanctuary. Other ways to give may include your bank's bill pay, which is often a free service, via mail, paypal on the church website, bank transfer or dropping by the office. Designations from this past week: Budget - $7,148; Building Fund Loan - $1,000 Happy Birthday this week: Jeremy Brenneman, Russell Mumaw, and Isaac Driver. Weavers will be voting on joining LMC, which then would place us as part of the Blue Ridge District. Ballots will be received January 26. Absentee ballots will be emailed at the beginning of that week. Please continue to pray, to ask questions of the elders, and pursue knowledge of LMC in other ways. Jason Rhodes Showalter is also a local contact at VMMissions and willing to answer questions and clarify understanding. Mark your calendars now for the annual Members Meeting, February 2, after a fellowship meal. It is requested that all members plan to attend this meeting. A draft of the proposed 2025 budget is available via email, or extra copies in the foyer. Let's chart Weavers' course for the coming year, with anticipated growth and positive involvement to spread God's Word! - Administrative Council Sunday Noon Fellowship Meal, Feb. 2 -- It would be appreciated if each family bring a main dish (consider using a crock-pot) and either a salad, dessert or bread. Please bring enough food for your family and guests too. Be sure to label all of your dishes and lids. Also, please bring your own plates/trays and cups if possible. This practices better Creation Care, as well as saves money on paper products. In 2025, there will be a monthly young adult men's breakfast and Bible study in Trevor Oyer's basement (2891 Rawley Pike). This will happen the third Saturday of each month from 8:15-9:30am, with the first gathering being on January 18th. We will be reading through Galatians and Ephesians - one chapter per month. Any interested young adult men, including individuals who don't attend Weavers, are welcome to join! Please let Trevor know if you have any questions. (Cell: 503-989-5929) Weavers Ladies! You are invited to a women's conference at Horizon Christian Fellowship on Fri., Jan. 31 from 6:30-8:30 pm and Sat., Feb. 1 from 9-noon. Speaker Elisha Caballero will be sharing about "God's Unfailing Word" from the book of Joshua. For more info, go to https://www.horizonhburg.com/events-1/ladies-winter-conference-unfailing-word or talk to Jeanne Stutzman. “Five Centuries, Five Lectures”: Remembering Anabaptist & Mennonite History. All are invited to a Thursday lecture series. It is free of charge with in-person or online options. These lectures feature different speakers and location will vary. For more information, click online here. Jan. 30, 7pm Eastern Mennonite School auditorium - Dr. John Roth Feb. 6, 7pm Weavers Mennonite Church - Dr. Mary Sprunger Feb. 13, 7pm Weavers Mennonite Church - Elwood Yoder Feb. 20, 7pm, Weavers Mennonite Church - Caleb Schrock-Hurst Feb. 27, 7pm at Martin Chapel of EMSeminary - Dr. Andrew Suderman Weavers Vacation Bible School will be held June 28. Begin now to pray for the children who will attend and how you can help. The theme will be “True North”. On January 21, 2025, upon the 500th anniversary of the beginning of Anabaptism in Zurich, Switzerland, all are invited to attend an evening of remembrance. From 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., in the Park View Mennonite Church auditorium, we will remember our baptisms, our hymns, and our history. Singing will be led by a local quartet, with hymns chosen from five centuries which will be printed in a booklet for ease of use when singing. We will sing many hymns, so please attend on January 21, 2025. Those who attend in person can keep the song booklet at the close of the service. The program is free for all. This program is planned with all Mennonites in the Shenandoah Valley in mind. There will not be a sermon. The planning committee includes those from the Old Order Mennonite community, the Southeastern Mennonite Conference, and the Virginia Mennonite Conference: Andrea Early, Phil Kniss, Norwood Shank, John Swartz, and Elwood Yoder. If you cannot attend in person, join at pvmchurch.org. Inclement weather date is January 26, 7:00 pm; check for weather-related updates at mennonitearchivesofvirginia.net. The Anabaptist Forum committee of the Blue Ridge District of LMC invites adults who are interested to attend this year's event, ”Fear of the Lord.” Events will be Wednesdays, Feb. 5th, 12th, 19th at Grace Mennonite Fellowship, 209 Lacey Springs Rd. Harrisonburg. There will be times of input, silence and reflection, and discussion – and great snacks! Please note that, in case of inclement weather, February 26th is a make up day. Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is seeking a full-time Fleet & Logistics Administrative Assistant. This position would be based in the MDS Lititz office and provide administrative support to the Fleet and Logistics operations of MDS. Responsibilities include maintaining vehicle and equipment documentation, coding invoices, shipping supplies to MDS projects and more. The complete job description and application are available on our website at mds.org. |
"Called into God's Family, we join together to be transformed through worship, to nurture one another, to be equipped to serve Jesus Christ, and to carry out His mission in the World." |